

asw_holdout_spawner? - Spawn point for use in Holdout Mode.
asw_order_nearby_aliens? - Issues an order to nearby aliens of a specified type.
asw_spawner? - Spawn point for multiple aliens of a specified type.
asw_spawn_group? - Controls spawning for multiple other spawn points.
asw_simple_drone? - Spawns a simple Drone with reduced order options.
asw_drone? - Spawns a standard Drone with normal order options.
asw_drone_uber? - Spawns a larger, stronger version of the standard Drone.
asw_drone_jumper? - Spawns a jumping variation of a standard Drone.
asw_ranger? - Spawns a ranger.
asw_parasite? - Spawns a Parasite.
asw_shieldbug? - Spawns a Shield Bug.
asw_boomer? - Spawns a Boomer.
asw_harvester? - Spawns a Harvester.
asw_mortarbug? - Spawns a Mortar Bug.
asw_queen? - Spawns a Queen.
asw_quee_retreat_spot? - Specifies where the Queen will retreat to when badly injured.
asw_egg? - Spawns an alien Egg.
asw_alien_goo? - Spawns a section of Alien Biomass.
asw_grub_sac? - Spawns a Grub Sac.
asw_grub? - Spawns a harmless Grub.


asw_pickup_rifle? - Places a Standard Rifle.
asw_pickup_prifle? - Places a Prototype Rifle.
asw_pickup_pdw? - Places a PDW.
asw_pickup_autogun? - Places an Autogun.
asw_pickup_shotgun? - Places a standard Shotgun.
asw_pickup_vindicator? - Places a Vindicator.
asw_pickup_flamer? - Places a Flamer.
asw_pickup_railgun? - Places a Railgun.
asw_pickup_chainsaw? - Places a Chainsaw.
asw_pickup_mining_laser? - Places a Mining Laser.
asw_pickup_fire_extinguisher? - Places a Fire Extinguisher.
asw_pickup_pistol? - Places a Pistol.
asw_pickup_medkit? - Places a Personal Medkit.
asw_pickup_flares? - Places a box of Flares.
asw_pickup_flashlight? - Places a Flashlight.
asw_pickup_sentry? - Places a Standard Sentry Case.
asw_pickup_ammo_bag? - Places an Ammo Bag.
asw_pickup_mines? - Places a box of Mines.
asw_pickup_stim? - Places a box of Stim Packs.
asw_pickup_welder? - Places a Welding Tool.
asw_pickup_grenades? - Places a box of Grenades.
asw_weapon_blink? - Places a Blink Pack.
asw_weapon_jump_jet? - Places a pair of Assault Jets.


asw_ammo_drop? - Places a generic ammo pile.
asw_ammo_rifle? - Places a single Rifle clip.
asw_ammo_autogun? - Places a single Autogun clip.
asw_ammo_shotgun? - Places a single Shotgun clip.
asw_ammo_vindicator? - Places a single Vindicator clip.
asw_ammo_flamer? - Places a single Flamer clip.
asw_ammo_pistol? - Places a single Pistol clip.
asw_ammo_mining_laser? - Places a single Mining Laser clip.
asw_ammo_pdw? - Places a single PDW clip.


asw_emitter? - Particle emitter.
asw_env_shake? - Controls screen shake on the marine's view.
asw_menu_flashlight? - Creates a flashlight which moves with the cursor on the main menu. '''Not for use in normal maps.'''
asw_scanner_noise? - Creates a patch of noise/distortion on the motion sensor.
env_sprite_clientside? - Creates a Client-side sprite.
env_slomo? - Causes Slow Motion for a specified time.
asw_broadcast_camera? - Creates a camera which controls the views of all marines.
asw_env_spark? - Creates particale spark.
asw_env_explosion? - Creates an explosion.
asw_holoscan? - Shows a red aiming scan arc. '''Only intended for use in the tutorial'''.
asw_holo_sentry? - Shows a red aiming scan arc. '''Only intended for use in the tutorial'''.


asw_door? - Creates an Alien Swarm door.
asw_vehicle_jeep? - Creates a drivable Jeep.
asw_remote_turret? - Creates a remote-controlled turret.
asw_sentry_top_machinegun? - Creates a machinegun from a sentry gun.
asw_barrel_radioactive? - Creates a radioactive barrel.
asw_barrel_explosive? - Creates an explosive barrel.
asw_hurt_nearest_marine? - Deals significant damage to the closest marine.
asw_bloodhound? - Creates a dropship used to deploy, support and retrieve marines.
func_subtract? - Subtracts Geometry from other brushes.


asw_gamerules? - Sets single- and multi-player speed run times.
asw_holdout_mode? - Changes the map to Holdout Mode.
asw_stylincam? - Controls displaying the Pilot's face on the hud.
asw_marker? - Creates an objective marker on the map.
asw_objective_dummy? - This objective doesn't have any requirements or goals. It is simply used to display an extra entry on the briefing screen.
asw_objective_kill_eggs? - Creates an objective to destroy Eggs.
asw_objective_kill_aliens? - Creates an objective to kill Aliens.
asw_objective_destroy_goo? - Creates an objective to destroy Biomass.
asw_objective_triggered? - Creates a multi-purpose objective.
asw_objective_escape? - Creates an escape objective.
asw_objective_survive? - Creates an objective thatall marines must survive the mission.
asw_objective_countdown? - Creates an on-screen timer until the mission is failed.
asw_debrief_info? - Defines the debrief text shown at the end of the mission.
asw_tech_marine_req? - Forces the marines to bring a Tech Marine.
asw_equip_req? - Forces the marines to bring specified equipment.
asw_info_message? - Displays a message on all player's HUD's.
asw_intro_control? - Allows Marines to choose their first mission in a campaign.
asw_info_heal? - Fires an output when a marine is healed.
asw_marines_past_area? - Similar usage to a math_counter.
info_node_marine_hint? - Hint node for the Marine NPCs.
info_node_marine_hint? - Navigation node for all ground NPCs.
asw_director_control? - Controls how the Swarm Director behaves.
info_tutorial_start? - Specifies the start point for certain marines. '''Only intended for use in the tutorial'''.


asw_colonists? - Creates a Colonist NPC.
asw_client_corpse? - Creates a Client-side colonist corpse.


asw_ambient_generic? - Appears to be an ambient_generic? with additional features.
asw_jukebox? - Used to control music events.


trigger_asw_marine_position? - A trigger_multiple? which also checks the direction they're facing.
trigger_asw_door_area? - A trigger which causes doors to auto-open.
trigger_asw_button_area? - A trigger used to create lockable/hackable door consoles.
trigger_asw_computer_area? - A trigger used to create hackable computer terminals.
trigger_asw_chance? - A trigger which has a specified chance of firing each time it's entered.
trigger_asw_random_target? - Fires a random output each time it's entered.
trigger_asw_supply_chatter? - Makes marines comment about a supply stash.
trigger_asw_synup_chatter? - Makes Crash or Vegas comment about 'SynUp Cola'.
trigger_asw_marine_knockback? - Knocks away marines touching it.
trigger_asw_jump? - Causes Alien Drones to jump when entering the trigger.
asw_camera_control? - Changes the camera angle while Marines are inside this trigger.
asw_snow_volume? - Causes snow to fall while Marines are inside the trigger.
func_precipitation? - Causes rain or snow to fall inside the trigger.
asw_trigger_fall? - Kills any NPC's touching this trigger.


asw_polytest? - Unknown use.
asw_prop_laserable? - Creates a prop which can only be destroyed by the Mining Laser.


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最終更新:2010年07月26日 10:23


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