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だれでも歓迎! 編集




ボイス:Activation plus six minutes, pulse is 45, respiration 10.
    Looking good, Cole.

コール:What the hell happened? Oh god.
コール:一体何があったんだ? 何てこった。

ヘリ:There's someone alive down there!
   Hey! Wave up if you can hear me!
   if you can walk, get out of there, head for the bridge.
   Hey, you! In the garage!
   Get the hell out of there! Whole thing is coming down!


ジーク Cole,Cole,man,you there? C'mon,man,pick up!
ジーク:コール、そこにいるのか? 返事をしてくれ!

コール:Z-Zeke? What the hell is going on?
    I think there was an explosion.
コール:ジ、ジーク?  一体何が起きてるんだ?

ジーク:No shit there was an explosion!
    TV says terrorists are blowing stuff up all over the city.
    Meet me at the Fremont Bridge.
    We'll get trish and find someplace to hunker down.

コール:(電気を浴びて)What the hell - should be dead.
コール:一体どうなってるんだ? 死ぬはずなのに。。

コール:(天井が崩れて来て)Oh, man.

コール:(自分の体から電気放出して前方が崩壊)What's happening to me?

ヘリ:If you're able to walk, pleace evacuate across the bridge to the Neon.
   Remain calm, emergency personnel are en route.

ジーク:Cole! Over here, man! We gotta go!
ジーク:コール! こっちだ! 行くぞ!

コール:(電気浴びて)God,no! No, no!
コール:くそ! くそ、くそ!

ジーク:Oh no, It's the terrorists! Run for the bridge, Cole!
    C'mon! Move it! Move your ass, Cole!
    This whole bridge is comin'down! Cole!
ジーク:マジかよ、テロリストだ! 橋に方に渡れ、コール!
    来いよ!  動け! さっさと動くんだ、コール!
    この橋全体が崩れ落ちるぞ! コール!

While sliding into unconsciousness I could somehow, I don't know...
...hear the voices of dying.
Thousands crushed by falling buildings, or burned alive in the fires.
Trish lost her sister. Almost lost me.
Zeke was always there, somehow sure that I'd wake up.

While outside, the city fell apart.
A plague struck. Followed by rioting. Theft.Rapes. Civilisation committing suicide.
In a bullshit attempt to contain the biological threat,
the federal government locked down all access in and out of the city.
Now we're stuck in this cage with the psychos.
Cops are all but gone off the streets.
Either dead or too chickenshit to stand against the gangs that control things now.
Outside, things were bad ... but inside - inside me - something was beginning.
Scary as hell at first.
Gotta understand there was no one to talk to, no experts to consult.
But with time, I'm learning to control it.Master it.
Just hope it's not too late....

Mission1: First Glimpse(初めて見る敵)
Empire City.Day 14 of the Quarantine.
Empie City : 隔離から14日。

コール:I thought you were going to watch TV?

ジーク:Batteries are dead again ... you mind puttin'on the freak show?

コール:Sure.Glad it's good for someting.

ジーク:Probably need to charge'em all - TV's a hog.
    Nice job man man.boob tube's workin!

コール:Weird - feels like I got more power.

ジーク:Yeah?Try fryin' those dummies over there. with all the
    nut-balls runnin' around. it'd be nice to see how much juice you're packin'.

ジーク:Yeah! Lay into it. fry those suckers!

ジーク:Whoo,you see that? Flyin' so low, thought it was going to crash into us!
    Hey, it's the TV jacker. I love this guy!

TVジャック:Just got word. From the plane they drop some relieve package into Archer Square.
The liars from the corporate media tell us that we gonna get our fair share, that more is coming.
Yeah ,that's easy for them to say. They are not the ones livin' in this hellhole.
And the truth is we've been abandoned, and no one's comin' to save us,
so head off for Archer Square and get that food before the Reapers show up.
Voice of survival, out.

コール:Told you they'd drop food.

ジーク:Man,you must be outta your mind. You think any of Those
    pencil-necks gives a crap about us? This is a PR stunt.

コール:That isn't going to stop you from pigging out, though, is it?

ジーク:Hell no it ain't. Zeke's gotta eat!

コール:You take the stairs,I'm using the express elevator.

ジーク:man, you get to have all the fun.

コール:That's what I'm Talking about!

ジーク:Whoo,That was one hell of a jump,man. Wish I could do something like that-
    runnin' down all those stairs, that sucks donkey balls.

    Hey Cole, before we head ober to archer, I need to go pick up a new six shooter.

コール:Here we go...

ジーク:Nah,that was bad-ass. The second you touched it. the electricity in your
    hands cooks off the gun powder and the whole thing goes KA-BAM! the look on
    your face was priceless.

コール:Damn near blew my hand off.

ジーク:Which is why you won't be touching the new one. Traded this guy one of
    my home-made batteries for it.

コール:The ones that explode when you use'em?

ジーク:Hell, he doesn't know that.C'mon,told me he was going to leave the gun in a
    parking lot a few blocks from here.
    Hey Cole,you know what I miss? Pizza. A big, sloppy slice drippin' with
    grease and pepperoni. And payday. Havin'a big, fat wad of bills in your pocket.

コール:I'd settle for some hot water.

ジーク:Hey, remember that time we were comin' home from Duffy's and I had to take a leak?
    And that bike cop was yelling at me to put up my hands?

コール:You pissed all over him.

ジーク:He told me to put up my hands! While he's fumblin' around.
    I jump back in and we take off. Awesome!

コール:Yeah, Awesome. Until we run into a wall of cops.

ジーク:Like a said, awesome! Bummer we won't be able to do any thing like that again.

コール:Not unless some genius invents a car that doesn't explode when I sit in it.

ジーク:Ah c'mon ... he told me he was going to leave it under a car.
    I figured there'd be only one. We'll never find it.

コール:Stand back, I got an idea.
ジーク:hellacious! hell, I didn't know you could do somethin' like that.

コール:Me neither ... there was this surge...

ジーク:Hey man, you don't look so hot.

コール:Drained all of sudden ... hang on a sec...
    (電気吸収して)Did you see that?

ジーク:Man, you're a walking battery! Must have to recharge whenever
    you fire off a bunch of juice.

コール:I can feel the electricity surging through me, almost like I'm being healed by it.

ジーク:This rocks so hard. C'mon, let's haul tail over to Archer
    Square' fore someone takes all the brewskis.

トリッシュ:Cole, you there?

コール:Hey, babe.

トリッシュ:You Hear they dropped some food?

コール:Yeah. Zeke and me are heading over there.

トリッシュ:How are you feeling?

コール:All right. I guess. Powers are all over the place. Used to be I could barely power
    a light bulb, now I'm jumping off of buildings and frying the junk on Zeke's roof.

トリッシュ:You jumped off a building? What were you thinking?

コール:Relax, I'm fine.

トリッシュ:Just take it easy. After what happened to Army, Icouldn't...


トリッシュ:See you guys at Archer Square. I love you.

コール:You too.

ジーク:Whew, boy that's stuck up there. I hate to say it pal, but you're the only guy here
    who'd live from a fall like that. Gotta climb up there and knock that stuff free.

ジーク:Yeah! We are eatin'!

コール:Damn, too late.

Movie2 "First Glimpse"

That's when I caught my first sight...
...The Reapers.
Before the blast, they were just a bunch of junkies dealing drugs.
Now They own the Neon District...
...Taking whatever they want.
That changes today.



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